ceturtdiena, 2007. gada 20. decembris

The day just started with the feelings of the evening before. A successful end of the project.
I just woke up one minute before the alarm clock did go on and took a look at Lina saying – Today. Today turned out to be really long, like long long. So decided to start it slowly, with packing of the bag, with a little nervous feeling in the back of the head - I am going back! What will i do there? Where am I? Am I?
Took my last metro ride to Sarah’s place. Had a nice coffee, and then did go to the Globus theatre to give them back the lights that we did lend for Our theatre play. Successfully. Next stop was the visit to the Honorary consulate of Latvia in Gorgia, a warm cup of tea and talks about Georgia, Georgian man and the way of life.

Than a fast run to the market, getting last things for home, for my friends and family. Managed to get my bag full and was thinking where I will put everything. Went fast home packed again bags and drove back to the centre of Tbilisi to go for the last time “this year” to Rustavi to our children. The marshrutka ride seemed to take longer as ever, lots of thoughts running through the mind, Sarah sitting behind me in the fish conserve can like marshrutka, her legs pressing against my back give a feeling of security and a done job. As we arrived we were a bit happily schocked for the present they gave us. The children had made real life portraits of us. Of course a fast and long photo session followed and some disco music was put on, Dato (the living mickey mouse and running computer, could be an Pentium 6) running around, hugging and telling us how much he will miss us and that we obligatory have to send him pictures that we made of him. A tea and cake with the staff of Rustavis children’s day care centre, our portraits rolled together, like all the past three months and a red ribbon around them.
Back in the city – last visit by Levan, the “less succesfull” project leader, lots to eat, lots to drink, but this time me and Lina pass. The stomach doesn’t want anymore Georgian food – it says it’s time to go home. After just 2 hours of long lasting toasts to family, love and friendship we got back to the fresh air. The forelast meeting of today, of The Day. Meeting in the long known Tarkan bar, discovering interesting and schocking knews about the bartender, that instead of one person there are two ;) so with wich to flirt now? Small talk, the last batridzhani with nuts, some smiles, some laughs and already the dark Leselidze street and goodbyes to my lovely Tandem. A taxi home and the question – is my bag over 20 kg or not?
It was, but before the last meeting with our landlord, last payment and talk about political situation and that in Latvia it should be better than in Georgia. Don’t know if I agree, but let it b(l)ee(d).
A fast taxi ride to the airport, the eyes are catching still the last dusty balconys on tbilisis streets, police patrol cars and time that will stay.
Somehow the feeling appears that this here was my home, just my friends are missing, and now I am sitting in the plane Home, in the plane HOME and I don’t know what to expect from the place I will be in some 2 hours. Well maybe it’s better not to think.
Thank you Sarah for the lovely time during the project – a theatre play, lots of gips and yeah – wir machen keinen Spass, aber es macht Spass – this quote will stay in my mind for a long time ;)
Thank you Lina for 3 months of the Baltic Highway in the Sairme connection. I now know that for 1 tetri everyone can buy lots, just to know the right tactics.
What to do?
Mhhhm, I am already waiting for my marmalade-curd cheese sweet breads and a good espresso with milk…..
So on…So farewell Georgia….

To be…..

piektdiena, 2007. gada 7. decembris

Nē, nē nav tas vilciens starp kalniem un aizām un tuksnešainajiem aitu ganāmpulkiem. David Goredje – agrāk patvērums pat 20 000 mūkiem, šobrīd diezgan tūristiskais kalnu klosteris. Atrodas tieši uz robežas ar azerbaidžānu, tamdēļ arī sliede.
Rīts sākās agri 8 ceļamies (ha ha esmu te izlutinājies) un 9 kāpjam mikriņā uz Rustavi, kur jau būtu jāgaida taksistam. Izrādās gan, ka taksistam nojūdzies starteris un sākumā 7 cilvēki mašīnā aizbraucam uz remontdarbnīcu un gaidam, kad būs gatava mašīna. 30 min. Braucam. Atkal starteris nepielec, tiek lamāti remontdarbinieki, starteris pielec un braucam. Kā tad. Pēc 10 minūtēm iegriežamies gāzes uzpildes stacijā un stāvam 5 mašīnu rindā. Izskatās ka priekšējie vēl pilda mājas gāzes balonus. 30 min. Gāze izrādās maksā 20 sant kubā un salīdzinoši ar benzīnu ir par 1 Lari lētāka. Braucam.
Paverās smoke city, pilsēta, kur cilvēki ir tikuši pie malkas vai sausas zāles un kura visa ir ietīta dūmos, kalni laikam aiztur vēju un kūpitnājums gatavs. Kā jau stāstīts tas esot tuksnesis, kur braucam. Un tā arī ir. Sajūta ka tuvotos pasaules malai. Diena apmākusies, negribīgi saule klaiņo aiz mākoņiem un ceļš līkločiem vijās gar ganāmpulkiem, vanagiem un ērgļiem. Pat vienu sudrabainu lapsu redzēju.
Pēc 1 ½ h brauciena esam klāt. Kur es esmu? Kalnu klosterī, kur gaidīju ka atmosfēra būs tik iespaidojoša, ka mute paliks vaļā? Nekā tamlīdzīga. Klosterī dzīvojot 20 cilvēki, var redzēt dažus skursteņu kūpam un aiz stūra divus robežsargus. Vienu zaļu vienu pelēkzilu – gruzija un azerbaidžāna.
Aiz stūriem lūrot tie kāpj kalnā uz kurieni mēs arī ejam, jo aiz kores esot vēl alu tempļi, dzīvokļi un atskurbtuves. Zeme diezgan draņķīga, pie kurpēm pielīp māli 5 cm biezumā un slīd nepajokam, bet smejoties un ķeroties pie zāles stiebriem nonākam uz sliedes kalna korē. Lēkādams no vienas valsts otrā apskatīju baznīcu, kura jau bija ciet, alu zīmējumus, kuri izskatās kā zīmēti pirms 20 gadiem, ja ne pat pagājšvasar, jauka vieta tūristiem (laikam jau tādiem kā mums). Ierakstīju bišķu filmiņas, uztaisīju bildes un pa vēl jautrāku kalnu lejup nošļūcām līdz mašīnai. Ja nebūtu taksists kas gaida labprāt pavadītu visu dienu tur, pasēdētu korē pīpotu un dzertu tēju. Klusums maisījumā ar ganu balsīm tālumā ir fantastisks.
Gruzijā šodien vējš un Azerbaidžānā klusums.
Melnas ogas, balti ziedi un mīksta paskata zāle.
Pēc pirmajiem 300m atpakaļceļa tika secināts, ka ir tukšs pakaļrats, kas ļoti operatīvi 10 min laikā tika nomainīts, liels brūns ērglis ceļmalā skatās virsū un pēc 1 ½ h esam jau Tbilisi, Sam-Gori stacijā un dodamies mājup. Arubita šonakt ar dodas prom. Labasnaktis.

trešdiena, 2007. gada 5. decembris