A nice november the 1st to you too.
Yesterday was the biggest action our project-partner here had planned, the visiting of the orphanage in South Osetia, Akhalgori.
9:30 meeting with Christina at the Marjanishvili metro station (the other 2 Kazbegi girls left some hours before)
10:00 planed departure to Akhalgori.
10:30 departure to Akhalgori. Bus contingent: Levan (association president), his wife, his niece, 3 people from the partner organisation „Ndobe”, 2 stomatologists and we two.
Akhalgori is some 90 km away from Tbilisi, so with a good driver and many smokers in the bus we got to know the south-osetian landscape. Differences in house styles, street and field pollution and very nice mountains. The first surprise were sheeps, first seen on a field and than, of course, on the street. Drunk sheppards and I’ve never seen befor such a bunch of different horns of sheep.

As the goergian man from the partner organisation explained this is not a city and nota village it is a town. Great. Blue painted houses mark the centre of the town and beatifully yellow-red coloured mountains keep it safe from harm (ha ha ha).
Everybody is welcomed in the orphanage, lots of talking in georgian and waiting for the governement persons to come and talk. Before we got out of the bus, Levan instructed me and Christina (some 3-4 times) not to forget to take some pictures and smile all the time. Of course we did. The governement people came a little bit later and so we both took a guided tour through the orphanage. Nice rooms with 2, 3 or 4 beds inside and one small cupboard with a book and no other stuff. (loco) As we later understood the children do have some other things, that are in lockers and they don’t need them in the room. (o.k.)
Now to the talking, of course local newspapers were invited (I hope at least :) and the tv Alanija and the talking begun.
After these short debates, the government people run away, and the „work” started. Of course we were reminded of taking pictures and instructed that one sits in the psychologists room and the other one by the dentist. We did. 5 minutes.
The dentist room. Lookily look what we have here:

As you can see it has 3 levels to switch to (pain, more pain, the passion of christ), sorry for my sarcasm, but I hope this thing isn’t being used. The dentist room was small cold and the children were sent in for a check-up of the teeth, and then released. Do I have to tell you that no teeth were repaired, the kids just gota pack of chewing gum and lived happily ever after.
The psychologists were more serious and were talking to children, making them draw pictures and making psychological analysis, and there we took off. The orphanage has a big hall in the middle of it, where children can watch TV, drive retro-soviet gym-bikes, hit each other, play, talk, etc. (did you know that if you write etc. You don’t have nothing much more to write). The Lithuanian volunteer from the Ndobe organisation joined us. First we made a photosession with the children and with a lovely translator started to play games. And in the eyes you could see joy, that someone is paying attention to them.

Excuse me for the bad picture though ;). I enjoyed it a lot, but than the children had to go to eat and we had to go to sit with all the „adults” and you what starts than.
Half an hour was enough listening endless toasts and talks, we decided to take off and take a look at the city or better to say the city took a look at us (didn’t seem that tourists have been here). The street of Moscow, the street of Stalin, the mine field, the rubbish river, the moskvich street and the cow street and we were back and the last toasts were spoken.
A crazy bus ride home. And in 2 hours we were back in Tbilisi, the goergians were driving to a surprise, we said no and got out to pick up Dagmar and get home and get some rest. Now Dagmar and Christina took off for Armenia...and I take off for Rustavi...