So, we (me and Levan) are waiting for Sarah to come, but we already had our first meeting in the headquaters.

Finally exhausted still from not sleeping last night, we got to our flat, to speak with the landlord and wait for guests. And they came with a big and ripe watermelon – Heidi, Elīna and Kaspars. So we had about 10 guests already on the first day.
Today we bring Lina to her host organisation, than we try to find a map of Tbilisi and many more things. Hopefully I find some place with internet and upload some stuff.
Have a nice day!
24.09. evening.
A long day. Nevertheless that my working day will start at 14:00 o’clock very day, now it is 23 and I am really really exhausted, but not sleepy. So me and Lina are both sitting in one room with laptops that are clicking. We tried to find Linas organisation today, but unfortunately it was closed and the number was left at home, but if you can’t do one thing this day, do it the next one. So me and levan went on a small city tour and Lina went to the University of georgia to get some internet and meet friends. As you might know, or if you don’t you know now Levan from my organisation is an actor and will be performing a new play, so today we went to his theater unofficially and it was amazing to meet other actors and ACTRESSES. Afterwards we went to the „Georgian Association for Psychological AID „NDOBA” ( ) which i san partner organisation of Relation L.S.L. centre and it was really impressing, we had some talk about projects that have been and will be – and we were invited to participate in some movie evenings and other activities. This organisation has some voluteers aswell – mostly georgians, but there was a girl from Lithuania and one boy from France is on his way aswell. And friendly as georgians are they invited us to a meeting in the evening and me and Lina decided to go.

The most funny thing is that I was at the meeting place some minutes before and was sitting by the fountain and waiting for Lina, as suddenly Elina passed me by and we were just laughing about how small the world is. She had to go to an ATM and said that she will return, and she returned with Heidi who was siiting on the other side of the fountain monument. Funny – I thought Latvia is small, now it also looks like Tbilisi is small as well.
So. The meeting – somehow we decided to climb mountains (Elina would say hills) to get a nice view of Tbilisi (if I manage to make the panorama picture you can see it here) and it was amazing to climb the mountain wandering through narrow streets and beautifull but unfortunately poor yards up to a church.
Afterwards i got to taste my first khinkali and a little bit of Georgian wine, but still not the best one, better ones are still to be found ;)
Tommorrow a free day till the evening so it’s internet and city exploring!
Bzzz... see ya!